Friday 16 March 2018

Nine Healthy Foods for Sugar Cravings

Who doesn't love sugar? It's a very common craving and a lot of us deal with it on a pretty regular basis.

However, as we are well aware, sugar isn't good for our bodies. It's okay to give in sometimes (we are human, after all) but if you're going overboard with your sugar intake, it's wise to look for healthy substitutes that will satiate your need for the white stuff without affecting your health too badly.

Here's a list of nine healthy foods that'll help you beat your sugar cravings!

1. Dark Chocolate
This is one of my favorite options so I've put it at the top of the list! It's naturally delicious (it is chocolate after all!) and is full of antioxidants. Dark chocolate does get slightly bitter for some people, and some find love at first bite. If you are in the first group, I'd suggest starting at a lower percentage and work your way up. Choose a bar that's at least 70 percent cacao, eventually. That is your best bet of optimum nutritional value. Raw, dark chocolate provides magnesium, vitamin B, and essential fibers.
We've all read about the studies showing chocolate is good for you. So go on, indulge in a square or two! Just don't eat the whole bar.

2. Fruits
Self explanatory, really! Fruits are a great source of natural sugar. But honestly, fruits today are very much sweeter and lower in fiber because the fruits have been domesticated so much. Check out this article about what fruits really were like in their wild forms. So, too much fruit isn't great for you, either. This is not to say you shouldn't eat fruits. Just to say you mustn't binge. Snack on them with nut butters or add them to a fruit-and-vegetable smoothie.

3. Dates
Plant based and high in fiber, there's no way you can go wrong with this. Dates are also a good source of potassium - which can prevent osteoporosis, stroke, kidney stones and high blood pressure. Dates also contain high levels of soluble fiber, which helps fight off sugar cravings and even stimulates the growth of friendly bacteria in the intestines.
You can add it to a smoothie, have them with some nut butters, or much on them straight out of the bag.
An old Indian snack that a lot of Indian kids have been having for a long long time - dates with a dollop of plain ghee on top. It tastes wonderful and it's great for your health. Something we have gotten used to eating in winters. I don't know if this is something that people around the world also do, but I'm sure Indians know of it.

4. Bliss Balls
A quick healthy snack made of dates as a base - to which you can add any combination of things such as pecans, tahini, cimmanon, flax seeds, chia seeds, cinnamon, maca, spirulina, cacao powder, cacao nibs, turmeric. Add coconut oil for a creamy consistency. You can switch up the ingredients and make it suited to your cravings at the time. This is a great on the go snack and stays firm when refrigerated.
You can find my favorite recipe here.

5. Nut Butters
Nut butter provide proteins + healthy fats. You should make sure you're buying healthy nut butters because some nut butters are available with added sugar. Make sure you buy the ones without any added sugar! Your body does require healthy fats. And proteins are a great way to reduce sugar cravings. Nut butters also contain sulfur - a mineral found throughout your body - muscles, bones, skin - you name it. It contributes to keeping your skin, muscles and joints healthy. A lack of sulfur can lead to stiff joints and sagging skin.
Combine nut butters with bananas, toast, berries, celery sticks, apples, etc. Get creative with the dipping!
6. Organic Honey

 Honey is a natural sweetener and makes for an excellent sugar substitute. It is packed with health benefits - from supporting the immune system to treating everything from a hangover to a sore throat. You can add it to tea, drizzle it onto smoothies, yogurt, nice cream, or toast. Or just eat a spoonful!

7. Green/Herbal/Fruit Teas
Green tea has widely touted benefits, but herbal and fruit teas are no less! A lot of them have specific effects on the body and can really be used to provide situational benefits. In this case, to curb sugar cravings. For example, hibiscus tea is naturally sweet. Take it up a notch with some cinnamon. Chocolate teas are great because they're sweet but also full of antioxidants and nutrients. Licorice tea is another oft recommended tea because it's naturally sweet - plus it fills you up, and satiates thirst as well. Check out this link for more tea options.

8. Yogurt
Sometimes  a sugar craving is often actually your bod requesting other vital minerals that it lacks. Yogurt is a great way to provide your body with phosphorus, calcium, and probiotics. And this is just from plain yogurt. You can add berries, granola, or (healthy) trail mix for a creamy satisfying dessert. Alternatively, you can also blend it into a smoothie.

9. Cinnamon
Yes, a spice can help too! Cinnamon helps regulate blood sugar levels, which in turn reduces sugar cravings. Cinnamon minimizes insulin spikes after you’ve eaten, which means your blood sugar stays relatively stable, keeping the sugar cravings at bay.

I must say, this list is in no way comprehensive and there are a lot of other different combinations of foods you can try. Plus, I am also a major sugar craver, and you know what? Sometimes it's okay to give in. We're only human. Sometimes we want that doughnut or cupcake. Don't beat yourself up if you give in once in a while. It just shouldn't be on a daily/regular basis.
In those cases, pick one of the substitutes above. I promise you will not be disappointed.

Photo Credits:

Friday 9 March 2018

4 Things that Ensure your Morning Productivity

I previously wrote a post about how you can slow down a little in the mornings and give yourself some love and self care. Till date it remains one of my most read articles.

So I decided to follow up with the next step. After you do takeout some time for yourself -- and don't let anyone tell you self-care isn't important because that's the most important thing there is.

Once you've taken care of yourself and your sanity, it's time to get down to business!

Whether you're a student, run your own business, work somewhere, or you're hard at work at anything really, this works for everyone!

1. Gratitude

Write down 3 things you are grateful for. Every single day. This will put you in a positive mindset. Even on the days when you are feeling really low, do this activity. Just three things. Not more, not less.

I know that this works. It makes you count your blessings. Often, we don't realize how blessed we really are. We have a roof over our heads, goof food, clean water. We have been given so much, and now we have to make ourselves better. Writing down what you're grateful for will put you in a positive mindset, ready to take on the day!

2. Visualization

Once you're down with writing down three things you're grateful for, you'll be in a positive mindset. This segues into the next step, which is visualization. Patiently, without being too hard on yourself, think of what your goals and intentions are.
Think of your short term and long term goals. Create a mindmap.
See yourself in the future, having accomplished those things. It could be anything -- writing a book, creating good artwork, becoming a good cook, being a successful entrepreneur -- whatever it is that drives you. Once you see yourself, having accomplished all those things, it really boosts your confidence and faith in yourself.
This is a good way to change your psyche to a growth mindset. It ensures that you will always have the courage and strength to go for it!

3. Write

Here, it doesn't matter if you're a writer or not. Just pen down whatever comes to mind basis the visualizations you made above. Writing down your intentions has a twofold benefit.

The act of writing it down makes it 'real' --  it makes it tangible. It's your way of telling the universe that this is what you want. Intentions work in mysterious ways.

Secondly, the fact that you've written it down and put it out there, ensures that you have brought it to the forefront of your mind and day. Often, we push back our goals, or we don't accept them because we are scared to admit it (even to ourselves) that this is what we want. Writing it down makes you accept it, face yourself and face your fears. Facing your fears is a big part of the next step - doing.

You're going to succeed at everything you've written down on that piece of paper. No two ways about it.

4. Proceed!

 Go for it! Start small, because there is no other way to start. Begin somewhere, because that's the only place to begin. Word hard, because that is the basis of success. Luck plays a part -- I won't deny it. But the people who get lucky are people who have been trying for a long time and then when an opportunity came up, they were ready to take it. That's what luck is. Being ready for opportunities. That's what makes you lucky. Go for it. Get lucky.

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I hope this helped! If you want any other specific guidelines, feel free to comment below, and I'll write a post on it!

Photo Credit: pinterest

Friday 2 March 2018

I moved to Dubai!

Hi guys,

Once again I start with an apology for my lack of posts! I have a reason though. A very legitimate reason. I moved to Dubai!

I moved here around a week and a half ago and I'm excited and scared in equal measure!

This is a new chapter in the journey of my life and I am looking forward to it. Moving here was a leap of faith. I am not someone who takes risks easily so for me this was a big deal. I am looking forward to a new life here and hoping that destiny has good things in store.

This is a little something I wrote about it.

I believe that every little change is meaningful, but something this big is definitely going to have major effects. Looking forward to unraveling them in the future!

This blog will continue and I have promised myself I will be more regular here. However, location specific posts will probably be at a minimum, unless its something I really love and want to show to the world at large. My readership and audience is global and I think it's time to start giving them something that is relevant and useful, too.

I'm still going to be writing about food, but it'll take on a different aspect that I am excited to share with you in the coming days!

Because who doesn't love Cinnabon!
Apart from this, I am finally finally starting to focus on the skincare and wellness posts that I speak about writing but never get around to.

I have a list of topics and I want to get around to covering them asap. I big part of this decision has been the realization that I love my blog and somewhere along the way I kind of lost ownership. I started to post what I thought people wanted to read. But you know what? My best and most read posts are the ones I wrote because they were posts that I wanted to read. Turns out that's exactly what resonated with you guys too.

So I'm going to continue doing that and this time I'm going to create the best content I ever have!

Cheers to many more posts and I hope this blog becomes better and better every day.